Please keep in mind: this page will always be in progress!
The literal German translation for tomatoes - and that's what my fiance learned to call them!
My sign for Gem Hypnosis. All the purple glass has been tack-fused.
A gift for my fiance's sister.
My first rainbow on silk, and it sold in five hours!
These were growing in my garden. I don't know what they are, so they'll always be a mystery!
Amazing what happens to glass when you change the light source! This mosaic is my own design (not from a pattern). So like everything else you see here, it is copyright-protected.
Who said glass can't be fun? Certainly not me!
I know it looks random, but every color was placed intentionally. Then I let them run wild!
Oranges growing in my daughter's backyard.
More complex pattern than you may think! Look carefully and you may see what I mean. The tumbled agates were from my grandfather's collection.
Good news/bad news: I painted the grapes the wrong direction, so I get to keep it!